Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Endodontics or Root Canal Treatment involves either preserving part, or all of the dental pulp in health, or removing all of the pulp in irreversible disease. This includes teeth with irreversibly inflamed and infected pulpal tissue.

Not only does endodontics involve treatment when a dental pulp is present, but also includes preserving teeth which have failed to respond to non-surgical endodontic treatment, or for teeth that have developed new lesions, e.g., when root canal re-treatment is required, or periradicular surgery. Endodontic treatment is one of the most common procedures that is required to save the tooth


The procedure normally causes no more discomfort that a filling would. Root canal treatment may have a bad reputation, but it is undeserved; in this case it’s the disease that’s to blame and not the cure. In other words, the infections that make the treatment necessary in the first place are often painful because they are inflaming tissue that has lots of nerves and therefore is very sensitive. Root canal treatment actually relieves this pain!

After numbing the area, a tiny hole is made in your tooth to access the pulp chamber and canals. The diseased tissue is removed, and the pulp chamber and the canal(s) are disinfected all the way to the root end(s). Teeth in the front of the mouth have one root and generally one canal; back teeth have two or three roots and generally three or four canals. Those canals and the pulp chamber are filled with an inert, biocompatible material, and sealed with adhesive cement. The access hole will receive a temporary filling.

Your tooth may feel sensitive for a few days, but any discomfort can usually be relieved with over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen. You will be instructed to avoid chewing on that tooth until it receives its permanent filling, which can be placed a few days later. Depending on how damaged the tooth was to begin with, it may need a full-coverage crown. Those options will be discussed with you.

It really depends on the case but in general most root canal treatments are completed in one to two visits due to the advancement of endodontic science and technology.

Keep your teeth decay-free by brushing and flossing every day. Eat a healthy diet low in sugar and avoid acidic beverages such as soda. Have regular professional cleanings and exams. And if you’re active in sports, consider ordering a custom-made mouthguard to protect your teeth from injury.

You may think, why not have a tooth pulled, and especially if no one can see it, but you will know your tooth is missing and it will negatively impact your quality of life.

Missing teeth can cause other teeth to shift, affect your ability to properly chew and ruin your smile. Also losing your back teeth will make you age faster and look older.

Implants can be great options if your tooth cannot be saved but it should be your last option when everything else fails. No denture, bridge or implant will look, feel and function as well as a natural tooth.

Modern endodontics offers advancements in technologies, procedures and materials, giving you many treatment options to save your natural teeth. If you’re told root canal is not an option, ask why and request a referral to an endodontist who are the specialist in saving teeth.

People who develop abscess usually suffer from pain and swelling. The swelling itself is pretty unpleasant. It is filled with pus, bacteria, and decaying white blood cells.

  • Some other symptoms are:
  • severe pain
  • fever
  • swollen neck glands
  • pain when chewing
  • redness and swelling of the gums
  • bitter taste in the mouth
  • tenderness in gums
  • foul breath
  • sensitivity of the teeth to cold or hot
  • general discomfort and uneasiness
  • an open, draining sore on the side of the gum
  • swollen area of the upper or lower jaw


Sometimes, the toothache will stop because the infection destroys the pulp of your tooth, or the antibiotic helped the body overcome the bacteria. However, this doesn’t mean that the infection is gone. The source of the infection i.e. the infected nerve hasn’t been treated so infection will continue to spread if left untreated even though you stopped having symptoms.

Is it expensive?

Saving your tooth through endodontic treatment is less expensive and less invasive than an extraction and replacement with a bridge or implant. Cost will depend on your dental insurance coverage. Our staff will help with getting your insurance information and let you know the cost of your root canal. If you do not have any dental insurance, we offer discount options or a payment plan.